* Dear users, We update a new buying and selling price...... Exchange Bank Transfer India INR to USDT (BEP20) (ERC-20) USD - PAYLY

Exchange Bank Transfer India INR to USDT (BEP20) (ERC-20) USD

Exchange rate: 87 INR = 1 USD
Min. amount: 50000 INR
Max. amount: 450000 INR

Reserve: 7945.85 USD
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Additional exchange rules from Bank Transfer India INR to USDT (BEP20) (ERC-20) USD:

Do not write any words: Exchange, buy, sell, PerfectMoney,PM,USD,Deposit,USDT,Payeer etc

 Never mention anything in the bank remark/description column

if you use any kind of words your payment will be cancelled